How You Can Prevent Panic Attacks
Were you aware that panic attacks might result not from external situations but from diseases or other disorders? This might help you in finding a more serious problem with yourself, while curing your attacks at the same time. If you want more great tips like this, then read this article.
Consider taking yoga classes or practicing it at home to help relax your mind and stretch out your body. It's a great way to get your blood pumping without adrenaline in it, and it can also center you so that your mind forgets everything that is troubling or worrying it.
Panic attacks are terrifying because the person experiencing them has the sudden overwhelming fear that they are going to die. The important thing to remember about panic attacks is that you can control them cognitively. Your brain is taking normal everyday stimuli (a shift in the road while driving, for example), and interpreting them in a fearful way. You can course-correct this fearful interpretation by trying to recall what the source of that stimulus could be. This will reduce your fear and your panic should subside somewhat.
Pretend you feel great when you have a panic attack. Say out loud that whatever is bothering you is just fine. For example, "My heart is NOT fluttering! It's beating perfectly and smoothly and I am so thankful for that!" Rotate around your body and truly believe in the words you say and they'll come true in short order.
Change your environment when you feel a panic attack coming on. When you start feeling those familiar feelings, walk away and go to another location. Removing yourself from a situation might be enough to calm you down. Simply leaving the space where the panic attack began could disrupt the panic attack altogether.
Calm yourself during a panic attack with relaxing, positive thoughts. Visualize yourself in your favorite place on Earth, surrounded by people you love, doing something you enjoy more than anything else. You might imagine yourself at Niagara Falls at the Butterfly Conservatory, watching all of the gorgeous creatures flit around.
Consider imagining yourself as a boxer when you have a panic attack. Create a monster in front of you that is made up of all your bad feelings and stress. Now, beat the heck out of him. Knock off his arms, legs, eyes, antennae, and every part of his body until he's nothing but a lump of goo on the ground.
A fun visualization technique when you're having a panic attack is to become a leaf falling from a tree. Float to the ground slowly, swaying back and forth, and land gently on the ground. Let the wind blow you through the forest and focus on everything you fly past on the ground.
If you are experiencing a panic attack, you can try splashing addiction your face with cold water. This will stimulate a dive sensation in your brain which will tell your body to slow down and relax. This is an easy way to help get your body to relax a bit.
Relaxing during a panic attack is imperative if you want to decrease its duration. Channeling your attention to something else can often help lessen the intensity of a panic attack. Playing soothing music and trying to sing the lyrics will take your mind off of the attack and help steady your breathing.
In conclusion, you know that panic attacks might actually result from a more serious condition with your body. You also now know some other ways you can both try to prevent panic attacks as well as treat current ones. Hopefully you will find this information useful and will be able to use it in the future.
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